Thursday, September 24, 2015

Tintypes & Puppets

Hillary in her Boston Terrier head. Photo:Bruce Morton 2016
Photo by Bruce Morton 2015
It was a 100 degrees when this tintype was taken. The chemistry went kaput so I tried to boost the contrast in Photoshop to bring out the detail a little.  Once I complete some more heads I'd love to do a series of these!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Helpful Photos Documenting the Puppet Making Process

Here is a link to some photos I shot documenting the process of making pageant puppets and illuminated lanterns with Sophia Michahelles and Alex Kahn. These may be helpful for those of you interested in making something similar. Every year they offer a fantastic workshop in Italy in June. 

Tips for making paper lanterns:
For larger lanterns we usually:
1. build armature (wire, bamboo, rattan, or whatever works)
2. create some “bridging” between armature lines with transparent packing tape
3. apply a first layer of paper-mache — p.m. paste brushed on strips of white cashier’s paper (enough so that there is a continuous “skin”, but with as minimal overlap as possible. Overlap will be darker.)
4. apply second layer — cheesecloth adhered with diluted elmer’s (50%)
5. apply third layer — tissue paper with p.m. paste, can be overlapped without much variegation)
6. use minimal color tissue paper as needed.

Illuminated sculptures & puppets slideshow.